The Gegenfurtner lab is a research group focusing on visual perception, based at the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, Germany.

Research points

Our laboratory focusses on perception of the natural world. Using a multidisciplinary approach, we aim to explore and analyze human visual perception. Our methods range from psychophysics to machine learning and cognitive neuroscience.

Our main focus point, presently, is colour perception. We have laboratories equipped to create a wide range of coloured illuminations, and we can study this all along the reality spectrum; from real life, to computer screen and to virtual reality. Our stimuli can be either natural objects under varying illuminations, or computer generated images.

We are also working on projects related to other aspects of perception and behavior, and past projects have covered many aspects relating to the interaction of low level visual perception with higher level visual cognition. Current work includes research into size perception and traffic psychology.

Learn more about our work in the publications section.

Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for new collaborative partners and interesting projects. If you are interested in our work, or think your expertise could contribute to the work we do, feel free to reach out to us.